Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, and Posthumanism: A Convergence of Frontiers?

The relationship between cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and posthumanism provides an intriguing look ahead for society. These topics cover the possibilities and dangers of our digital lives, emphasizing our transition from natural entities to beings closely linked with technology. As technology advances at an accelerating pace, it’s essential to grasp not only its potential but also its effects on our identity, safety, and destiny.

Threats of Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence enables automated decision-making and facilitates many aspects of daily life, bringing with it improvements in operations and numerous other benefits. However, AI systems face numerous cybersecurity threats, and AI itself needs to be secured, as cases of malicious attacks have already been reported, e.g. AI techniques and AI-based systems can lead to unexpected results and can be modified to manipulate expected results. Therefore, it is essential to understand the AI threat landscape and to have a common and unifying basis for understanding the potential of threats and consequently to perform specific risk assessments. The latter will support the implementation of targeted and proportionate security measures and controls to counter AI-related threats. This article explores the potential threats posed by AI in cybersecurity and discusses the implications for individuals, organizations, and society at large.

Conferința IT&C – DevTalks România

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DevTalks România, cea mai mare conferință dedicată profesioniștilor IT și developerilor, ajunge în orașul tău pe 27 septembrie, la Cluj Innovation Park. După ediția din iunie, unde a reunit peste 6000 de participanți, alături de 110 speakeri internaționali și locali, DevTalks România alege Cluj-Napoca. … Citeşte mai mult

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