Human Capital changes during COVID-19 Pandemic. Why software development methodologies shifted from Waterfall to Agile.

Human capital has encountered many challenges and changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This adaptability that we needed to embrace, to face the many challenges of the Pandemic context, has also increased the human capital capabilities in the labor market. Many companies have significantly transformed their business operations. Both workers and companies had to adopt new practices and ways of working while facing various challenges. One of the most notable changes is the shift towards remote work, which has led to a surge in the use of Agile Methodology, particularly in software development. Agile Methodology is a dynamic and flexible approach that fosters an empowering work environment, encouraging creativity, autonomy, continuous feedback, effective communication, and iterative progress. This paper aims to explore the positive correlation between the increased adoption of Agile Methodology during the pandemic, driven by social distancing measures, and its impact on Human Capital, especially within the IT development workforce.

Tehnologia radar, coloana vertebrală a sistemelor moderne de apărare în războiul electronic

Acest eseu evidențiază importanța critică a tehnologiei radar în războiul electronic, ilustrând modul în care susține și îmbunătățește capacitățile militare într-un mediu de amenințare în continuă evoluție. Interacțiunea dintre progresele tehnologice și cerințele strategice asigură că tehnologia radar va rămâne un domeniu-cheie în cercetarea și dezvoltarea în domeniul apărării.

Considerații de securitate în rețelele de telecomunicații 5G

Sfetcu, Nicolae (2024), Considerații de securitate în rețelele de telecomunicații 5G, IT & C, 3:4, 41-47, DOI: 10.58679/IT27992,   Security Considerations in 5G Telecommunications Networks Abstract The advent of 5G networks represents a revolutionary change in telecommunications, offering significantly … Citeşte mai mult

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