Alinierea, explicabilitatea și confinarea ca obiective ale inteligenței artificiale
Alignment, Explainability and Confinement as Goals of Artificial Intelligence Abstract The development of artificial intelligence has advanced rapidly, bringing with it both unprecedented opportunities and significant risks. Among the critical areas of focus in AI research and development are alignment, … Citeşte mai mult
Instrumente utilizate în dezvoltarea IA – Testul Turing
Tools Used in AI Development – The Turing Test Abstract Artificial intelligence has become a cornerstone of modern technological innovation, propelling advances from self-driving to personalized medicine. Developing AI systems requires specialized tools and technologies, each tailored to facilitate different … Citeşte mai mult
Securitatea în rețelele de telecomunicații 5G cu 5G Core
Security in 5G Telecommunications Networks with 5G Core Abstract 5G telecommunications networks offer advanced security features that are significantly improved compared to previous generations. Security in 5G telecommunications networks is of paramount importance due to the significant advances and complexities … Citeşte mai mult
Tendințe în evoluția inteligenței artificiale – Agenți inteligenți
Trends in the Evolution of Artificial Intelligence – Intelligent Agents Abstract Advances in technology have made it easier to integrate AI into everyday life, with applications ranging from virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles. Machine learning algorithms, powered by large amounts … Citeşte mai mult
Threats of Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity
Abstract Artificial intelligence enables automated decision-making and facilitates many aspects of daily life, bringing with it improvements in operations and numerous other benefits. However, AI systems face numerous cybersecurity threats, and AI itself needs to be secured, as cases of … Citeşte mai mult