Arhitectura de bază a rețelelor 5G
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), Arhitectura de bază a rețelelor 5G, IT & C, 2:2, 17-25, DOI: 10.58679/IT90882, Basic architecture of 5G networks Abstract March 2019 saw the launch of the industry’s first database tracking global 5G device launches. One … Citeşte mai mult
Implementarea rețelelor de telecomunicații 5G
Sfetcu, Nicolae (2023), Implementarea rețelelor de telecomunicații 5G, IT & C, 2:2, 14-20, DOI: 10.58679/IT22957, Implementation of 5G telecommunications networks Abstract 5G telecommunications networks provide some of the most relevant aspects of the type, origin and objectives of … Citeşte mai mult